Artificial Intelligence &
Machine Learning

Department of Aritificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

MIC offers a four-year undergraduate B. Tech course in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning which aims to develop a strong foundation by using the principles and technologies of many facets of Artificial Intelligence including logic, knowledge representation, probabilistic models, and machine learning. The program with innovative & diversified curriculum carving the grads every ready to deal with dynamic real world challenges. The intake of the students was initially 60 (AY 2021-22) augmented to 120 (AY 2022-23) to equipoise the tech market needs. The curriculum enroots the students with fundamentals of computing to advanced research areas like generative AI with ample practical exposure and laboratory sessions.

The course is designed to give the students enough exposure to the various applications that can be built using techniques covered under this program. They shall be able to apply AI/ML methods, techniques, and tools to the applications. The students shall explore the practical components of developing AI apps and platforms. Proficiency in mathematics will prove to be beneficial as this degree requires strong problem-solving and analytical skills. They shall be able to acquire the ability to design intelligent solutions for various business problems in a variety of domains and business applications. The students shall be exploring fields such as neural networks, natural language processing, robotics, deep learning, computer vision, reasoning, and problem-solving. The key objective is to identify logic and reasoning methods from a computational perspective and learn about agents, search, probabilistic models, perception and cognition, and machine learning.

B. Tech in AI&ML provides budding engineers with a spectacular array of courses dedicated to frontiers in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI&ML) with a foundation of Computer Science & Engineering. The 4-year full-time program presents exposure to hands-on technologies to create applications and solutions for the world that we live in. The department has been equipped with high end infrastructure to carry out project works and research in vision technologies, NLP, Artificial intelligence assisted robots and aerial vehicles with specialized faculty in each area.

-- Dr. G. Sai Chaitanya Kumar
Head of the Department

Vision & Mission

Vision of the Department:

The vision of the department is to produce internationally competent professionals with sound technical knowledge, research skills and values to address current and future challenges of the industry, contributing to the transformation of the society.

The Mission of the Department is to:

Impart quality education in computer science and engineering through innovative teaching and learning methodologies.
Conduct industry ready skill development programs to bridge the gap between academia and industry to produce competitive software technocrats.
Promote research through state-of-the-art facilities and interaction with the industry.
Inculcate values in the students to make them socially committed professionals

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):

1. Empower graduates to become globally recognized IT professionals who use their knowledge and skills to solve complex real-world problems.
2. Equip graduates to lead the development and adoption of new IT technologies.
3. Instill a lifelong learning mindset and commitment to continuous professional development and innovation in graduates.
4. Cultivate ethical and responsible IT professionals who use their skills to make a positive impact on the world.


Engineering Graduates will be able to:

1. Engineering knowledge:An ability to apply knowledge of basic sciences and mathematical foundation to engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis:An ability to analyze and solve the problems effectively with appropriate logical and analytical skills.
3. Design/development of solutions: An ability to design, develop and test software systems by applying algorithmic principles and programming prowess.
4. InvestigationsAn ability to interpret the data and amalgamate the information to provide solutions to real world problems
5. Modern tool usage:An ability to acquire and apply the modern techniques and tools to complex engineering problems.
6. The engineer and society:An ability to develop computing solutions for public safety and legal issues to serve the needs of the society.
7. Sustainability:An ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing discipline on environmental issues and sustainable development.
8. Ethics:An ability to apply the ethical principles in engineering practice.
9. Team work: An ability to work effectively on projects either individually or in teams.
10. Communication:An ability to communicate effectively in written and oral forms on technical as well as general aspects.
11. Project management An ability to apply engineering and management principles for effective development of projects.
12. Life-long learning: An ability to recognize the need for lifelong learning in the world of ever changing technology.


PSO1: Design, develop and test software systems to provide solutions to real world problems.
PSO2: Make sense of data by organizing, analyzing, and interpreting it to extract valuable insights.



Events / Activities



S.No Name of the Laboratory List of Softwares
1 C Programming Lab C, C++, Jdk1.8, Visual Studio 2010,
Oracle 11g, Tomcat, Jsdk, Net Beans 7.01, Windows 10, Ubuntu,
Windows Server 2012, e-Swecha, Fedora,
MS Office 2010, MySql IBM RSA ENT,
Eclipse 4.2, RTool, Globerena ECSL, K-Van ECL.
2 English Communications Lab
3 Hadoop & Big Data Lab
4 Data Structures Lab
5 Data Bases Lab
6 Object Oriented Programming Lab
7 Networking Programming Lab
8 Multimedia & Modelling Lab
9 System Programming Lab
10 Project Lab
11 Cloud Lab
12 R&D Lab

Dept. Club

About the Association:

System Engineers Association of MIC (SEAMIC) is an association of student group activities which was inaugurated on 2nd September 2006 by Dr. T. Hanuman Chowdary, former IT Adviser to Government of Andhra Pradesh. The main thought of forming up of this association is that the students are found to be completely engaged with their academic studies and have no recreation to polish their skills and talents. Though there are so many built-in qualities in them, they were lagging behind in this competitive world, as they have no time to concentrate on such matters. As the students spend most of their valuable time in the college campus itself, they must be given a chance of providing themselves in front of the experienced persons.

Hence that gave rise to a thought of making "The buds flower up with their fragrance", which could be made possible with this association called "SEAMIC" with its motto "Destiny Through Innovation".

Theme of the Association:

The main theme of formation of student group is to make them active, be aware of all the latest trends and competitions that arise in the academics and other activities. The outcome of which is to make them competent and all-time outstanding achievers. The overall concentration is in improving their communication skills, self-management of tasks, making them bold enough to face the competitive world, making them gain excess knowledge other than book-knowledge and finally to make them build-up brotherhood relations in public.

Role of Students:

This association is mainly comprised of students. This is because students should be able to learn many issues like managing and doing tasks other than what they regularly study in classrooms. The whole program planning, organization and the participations are taken over by the students under proper guidance of the faculty members. A student body - the representatives of different aspects are selected and guided by the faculty to carry out the whole program implementation.

Achieving the Target:

The members and the faculty of the CSE Department are confident to achieve the theme of the association as we have already proved that our students are so talented as they were able to initiate themselves in sketching out the Logo of the association that depicts "A human empowering the knowledge of Computers". Also the motto and title of the association are being selected from a list of competing entries that were collected from the students. Though it takes some time to achieve the target, we assure that we have made up a path that leads them towards the destiny through their innovations.

Activities of SEAMIC:

Different activities that come under SEAMIC to make the students skilled and talented around the general and technical aspects are:


Group Discussions
Team-oriented technical tasks (Practical)
Current Affairs
Cultural Activities


Guest Lectures by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).
Career Guidance by Resource Persons.
Management Skills by Resource Persons.
Techno fests.
Trial Lectures by skilled Senior Students

Initiation & Extension of SEAMIC:

As it is the initiation of SEAMIC - the inaugural function is being carried out at first. Every academic year, an opening function of SEAMIC is being conducted along with the schedule of the Fresher’s Day and all the above-mentioned activities are carried out among students throughout the year, depending on the academic schedule. At the end of the academic year, a closing function is being conducted along with the schedule of Farewell Party in which all the winners of the competitions will be given prizes.

Objectives of SEAMIC:

The main objectives that incorporate the activities of SEAMIC, which leads to the success of students, are:

Encouraging the students and improving their confidence level.
Extracting the hidden skills of the talented students in general and technical aspects.
Improving the Communication Skills, Self-Management Skills and Discipline etc.
To affirm the roots of continuous learning process and to make them aware of all the new trends.
Upgrading on the latest issues in IT & real world.
Practically making them understand the competitions in the real world.
Inculcating the humanly and brotherly relations in them to deal with the public.
Brushing up their application skills through practical knowledge.
To make them get into immediate employment after their course completion.
To make them succeed in the Campus Selections and to route up their better future.
To find the students who have research-oriented skills and training them on interested areas through proper guidance.
To bring out the creativity of the students.
Finally, to make them all-rounder’s in all aspects.